We decided to do a children birthday cake in a ocean style for our final project.
It is a two loyar cake, the bottom is coated in graham cracker crumbs and the top layer is iced with blue iceing to look like the ocean. We had a whale shark on top and two star fish on the sides.

We used fondant for the whale shark and the star fish, we also used pearl looking sprinkles.
We used blue and brown butter cream icing, blue for the waves, and brown for under the graham crackers.
We wrote happy birthday and stuck it in the top of the cake with a tooth pick.
The topers we had was the whale shark and the star fish.
We utilized buttercream and fondant.
The cake consisted of two layers.

Even though the second link is for cupcakes we tried to uses some of the patterns
I feel like the whale shark and the icing turned out the best, you can tell its supposed to be some sort of whale shark and i think the icing looks pretty good. The things that turned out the worst is definetley the graham crackers and the star fish. The star fish and graham crackers would not stick to the cake at all. If i were to redo the cake i would find a better way to make it so the star fish would stick to the cake, and so the graham crackers actually stick.
Our cake consisted of 2 layers. We used buttercream frosting to hold the cakes layers together and royal icing to ice the outside. Our figures we used were a whale shark and 2 starfish. all 3 of them were made of fondant. The only materials that went to waste was the crumbs/ shavings of the cake. A way we could have reducded it could have been by making the cakes smaller.