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Updated: May 28, 2024

Elements of design shape:

Paste each link below:

Choose what you feel is the highest quality video teaching about shape and form

Explain three things the best video did well:

  1. In depth Explanation of the primary geometric, modified and organic shapes.

  2. Simple short explanation that relayed tons of information.

  3. Good explanation on the different types of shapes in the different sub categories of shapes.

List three things you learned about how shape and form function in a piece of art:

  1. I learned that even slight modifications of a shape can alter the meaning of it entirely.

  2. Rectangles are a symbol of being man-made because you cant find a perfect one in nature.

  3. That there are many subcategories of shapes.

Inserted photo: (from google)

The main focus of this photo is the Triangles that are formed from the angled repeating walls, You can also notice that wall are formed from repeating rectangular bricks. The shadows on the ground also are shaped as rectangles. you can also notice what looks like trees in the far background .

Impacts and mood:

it gives off a sort of liminal feeling, The triangles are sharp and feel uninviting, the mood feels dark and cold, it feels somewhat familiar,



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