This is the Photo we used for inspiration on our cookies:
This is how our cookies ended up looking:
This is the recipe for the cookies:
1 3/4 cups plain / all purpose flour
▢1 tsp salt
▢½ tsp baking soda
▢175g / 12 tbsp unsalted butter
▢1/2 cup brown sugar ,
▢1/2 cup sugar
▢1 egg yolk
▢2 tsp vanilla extract
▢1 1/4 cups chocolate chips
How I feel the two photos compare:
The photos ended up looking fairly similar except for the fact the cookies looked nothing alike
Two things I think went well with the cookie photos:
The lighting ended up looking very good and similar to the photo.
The way the cookies were placed out in our photo ended up looking very good and just like the ones in the inspiration photo.
One thing I would have changed:
If we added more chocolate chips to the cookies themselves, I feel like they would have looked a lot more like the cookies in the photos. or if we were to have added them to the top of the cookies right as they started to bake, they would have also looked similar to the inspiration photo.
Deaf, Blind, and Mute:
As a group we decided to take on the blind deaf-mute-challenge, I became the mute person, john was deaf, and Mitchell was mute.
The challenge turned out fairly well for our group. our cookies ended up looking decent and they still tasted just as good. Even though I was blind I was still able to wash dishes better than the p4 class. Even though john was deaf he wasn't yelling all the time.
There isn't really much I would change in the future except for the fact it would be fun to change around the roles.